April is a 15th generation Floridian, a homeschooling mom, a firearms and self-defense enthusiast, and a hardcore patriot. For her, owning and using firearms is a lifestyle, and has been a part of her history for as long as she can remember. She received her first firearm, the classic Ruger 10/22 rifle, when she was 13, and her 12 gauge shotgun when she was 15.
She enjoys educating those around her on safe firearm handling habits and proper gun care, as well as helping to build confidence in others, and sharing defensive and preventative skills that might save your life or that of a loved one.
She is currently training in ballet as well as piano. She is a Brown belt in Hapkido, and an orange belt with green stripes in Pa Kua Archery, as well as Pa Kua Edged Weapons.
She practiced cosmetology for 10 years, but is now a firearms and self-defense instructor, and spends most of her extra time at the range, in the garden, or in a book. She believes that the more of us that are educated in the world of firearms, the more protected we, and our rights, will be!
“The nation that makes a great distinction between its scholars and its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools” -Thucydides